Featured Causes

We’re proud to create a space where Featured Causes can truly shine. We know how hard it is to sift through so many worthy (and unworthy) causes. Our mission is to showcase issues with national appeal as well as those that are smaller and hit closer to home.

In addition to our Featured Causes, you’ll find regular News updates and Helpful Resources. The United Cause team is dedicated to supporting our fellow patriots, and we’re thrilled to be able to bring you the information you need to make empowered decisions.

6 Ways to Support Overwhelmed Animal Shelters in the US

Americans Surrender Pets At ALARMING Rates -- Shelters Can't Keep Up! (UnitedCause.com) - As reported by CBS News, animal shelters are reportedly getting more...

Featured Cause: Meet the Nerdettes

Meet The Nerdettes: The All-Girls Robotics Team You NEED To Hear About (UnitedCause.com) - Women are making some gains in Science, Technology, Engineering, and...

3 Charities Supporting Those Affected by the War in Ukraine

Looking To Help Ukraine? These Charities Are On The Front Lines (UnitedCause.com) - The war in Ukraine has devastated many individuals and caused many...

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